"Acting class doesn't start the minute you walk into the classroom.
It is everywhere,all the time to be observed" - Stella Adler

Tom Rivet

Tom Rivet is a man with a dream and since his first class with Christina he has been conquering that dream on a daily basis. Tom continues to take classes/workshops and in his spare time (which isn't much) assists her when filming commercial projects are needed. Tom was inspired after taking his first class with Christina and sought to make the dream a reality and registered for Media Fundamentals at Sherdian College with fellow classmate Mike Goencz. Tom's talents are numerous & now more than ever sought after.

If you can't find him directing one of his independent films or assisting for professional production companies downtown Toronto, you can watch him acting, writing & editing his pieces for local film festivals. Tom has had his talented hands in a variety of projects over the past year and loving every minute of it.

Marcus Goencz

When Marcus isn't re-taking Christina's classes (he has an addiction to acting) he is auditioning for agents and acting in independent films. Marcus firmly believes you learn by doing & will always be the first in line to try something new. If he's not at a drop in Improv class then he is usually getting himself in front of a camera... yes he does his own stunts! This talent has been throwing himself into everything acting related to learn as much as he can in hopes of making it in this exciting industry.

Can't find him lately? He is on an independent film set somewhere between Hamilton & Toronto and loving every minute of it!

Cher Ford Cowen

Cher Ford Cowen lives,breathes and dreams the theatre! People that have met worked with her would agree Cher is that firework that Katy Perry's been singing about. If she isn't just returning from a whirlwind trip from the Big Apple, she is sharpening her multi-talented skill set in an acting class telling you about the amazing cast in one of our local community theatre shows.

More recently, Cher has also been sitting in the director's chair influencing audiences all over the Golden Horsehoe & loving every minute of it...with jazz hands..lol!

La Haise

When Michelle LaHaise  isn't on a film set, directing a one-act, taking a theatre class or performing as a clown, she loves performing in Community Theatre.

She believes her true growth as an actor hinges on experiencing as many different and challenging roles on the stage as possible & Christina couldn't be prouder!


Since taking acting classes with Christina, I have auditioned & gotten roles in a variety of local community theatres and each time it has been a great experience working with wonderful people. I've even had the pleasure of sharing the stage with other students of Christina's and had a blast. Christina gave me the tools and techniques to help me interpret roles, build genuine characters, and give meaning and depth to each scene, even the comedies. I am able to get to a point now where playing a part doesn't feel like acting it just feels real.