"Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it" - John Maxwell

Looking for a community theatre or local arts related organization?
New to the craft? New to the city?  Looking to get started in front or behind the scenes?
Have a peek below & connect with thousands of others that share the same passion!





Class Links

Mohawk College Continuing Education   http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/continuing-education/
Performing Arts Certificate Program     http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/continuing-education/performing-arts.html

Aldershot Players   http://www.thealdershotplayers.com/
Black Box Fire/Emerging Artists Series     http://www.blackboxfire.com/
Burlington Centre for the Performing Arts http://www.burlingtonpac.ca/Home.html
Burlington Student Theatre/Arts Camp     http://cms.burlington.ca/Page368.aspx
Burl-Oak-Players (Oakville)  www.botg.ca
Creative Theatre Co. (Waterdown)  http://www.creativetheatrecompany.com/
Dundas Little Theatre  http://www.dundaslittletheatre.com/
Equity Showcase http://www.equityshowcase.ca/  
Hamilton Arts Council       http://www.artshamilton.ca/
Hamilton Fringe Festival   http://hamiltonfringe.ca/
The Staircase        http://staircase.org/
The Second City Training Centre (Toronto)  http://www.secondcity.com/training/
The Pearl Co.      http://thepearlcompany.ca/
The Players Guild of Hamilton   http://www.playersguild.org/
Theatre Ontario   http://www.theatreontario.org/
Theatre Books    http://www.theatrebooks.com/
Theatre Ancaster   http://www.theatreancaster.com/
Theatre Aquarius   http://theatreaquarius.org/
Theatre Burlington  http://www.theatreburlington.on.ca/
Village Theatre Waterdown  http://www.villagetheatrewaterdown.ca/
West Theatre (Oakville)      http://www.the-west.ca/
Toronto Association of Acting Studios (TAAS) http://www.torontoactingstudios.com/
Media Job Search Canada   http://www.mediajobsearchcanada.com/
Work In Culture- Job Board   http://www.workinculture.ca/apps/index.cfm?fuseaction=job.home
Playback Magazine Careers   http://playbackonline.ca/careers/
Charity Village -Job Search    http://www.charityvillage.com/cvnet/job_search.aspx

Film &

Jobs Related

ACTRA (Toronto)   http://www.actratoronto.com/
Mandy    http://www.mandy.com/
AACTION   http://www.aactionauditions.com/
Casting Workbook (Toronto)   http://www.castingworkbook.com/digitalauditions_digifacility_toronto.asp
Community Centre for Media Arts  http://www.ccma.ws/
The Factory: Hamilton Centre for Media Arts http://www.hamiltonmediaarts.org/
Hamilton Film/Video Makers  http://hvfm.ca/
Fenian Films   http://www.fenianfilms.com/
Hamilton Film Festival   http://www.hamiltonfilmfestival.com/
Creative Exchange (formerly Hamilton Ontario Filming)      http://filmhamiltonontario.ning.com/
Women In Film & Television   http://wift.com/
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto  http://lift.ca/

Christina's Sweet Tips...

...just wink, nod and pass the chocolate covered almonds

Helen Tansey (headshots)  http://sundariphotography.com/
Canadian Actor Online (message board & other industry insights)  http://www.canadianactor.com/
Voice Worx (Voice otver workshops)    http://www.voiceworx.com/
The Actor's Organizor   http://www.actorsorganizer.ca/wp/?page_id=20
CBC Talent Resource Centre     http://www2.cftpa.ca/...
Hive Studios - for Voice Over Demo Recordings http://www.hivestudios.ca